What Do We Mean By “REFORMED” Gamers?

what does reformed mean

To the average person, “reformed” is not a common word.  You may have heard it used about Judaism (Reformed Judaism is the liberal/progressive branch) and perhaps nothing else.  (Although if you put the word “reformed” in a search engine, you will see phrases like “reformed Egyptian”, “reformed broker,” and even “reformed pilates”). That was my … Read more

The Truth About Hardcore and Casual Gaming

casual gamers

If you game at all, you will either be labeled a “casual” or a “Hardcore” gamer. I have never loved the terms, because I think those titles don’t accurately sum up what type of games a gamer likes. I’ve been gaming for a very long time, and have been active in many forums that create fandom of specific … Read more

The Gospel in Witcher 3 Pt. 1

witcher 3 keep the coin for your daughter

Despite its M-rating, questionable use of nudity, and dark storylines, the Witcher 3 has two representations of the Gospel and you probably never even saw them. The Witcher 3 gets the same kind of attention that Grand Theft Auto does among Christian circles; the moment you speak it, people immediately ask, “Isn’t that the game … Read more