If you’re trying to wake up Dairow Vin in Baldur’s Gate 3, here’s a straightforward guide to help you out. In Act 2, you’ll find Dairow Vin, a Tiefling, sleeping in the sewers near the Illithid outpost in the Underdark.

Nearby, there’s a note revealing that cultists took his husband away, and you’ll also find a mysterious sleeping potion in his bag.

The scene suggests that Dairow Vin has been using these sleep potions to deal with his grief. But is there a way to wake him up and possibly aid him in the story? Read on to find out how.

Steps to Wake Up Dairow Vin

Game-Changing Tips: How to Wake Up Dairow Vin in Baldur’s Gate 3 Like a Pro!

Dairow Vin is an unconscious character in the game and waking him up isn’t straightforward. Healing, attacking, or even pushing him won’t do the trick. Polymorphing him into a sheep won’t help either; he’ll just change into a sheep while still being unconscious.

Here’s what you need to do: cast the Death Ward spell on Dairow Vin. This spell protects a character from instant death by keeping their health from dropping below a certain point when they take damage.

By casting Death Ward on Dairow Vin and then “killing” him, he will magically awaken as he resurrects.

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What Happens After He Wakes Up?

Once Dairow Vin wakes up, you’ll find that he can’t be interacted with. He will only spout generic NPC lines, such as telling you to stop what you’re doing, calling for help, and then running away.

It’s not clear if this is an intentional part of the game or if it’s a glitch that might be fixed in future updates. For now, waking him up doesn’t seem to serve any major purpose in the game.

By following these steps, you can wake up Dairow Vin, but remember, it won’t lead to any further interactions or story developments at this time.

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