When Broodmother shows up in your lane, it’s time to retreat to your tower! She’s as tough as a last-pick Phantom Lancer with no Earthshaker around, or a Huskar without an Axe to stop him.

Even though she’s not a popular pick, with only a 1.59% pick rate and a 48.16% win rate in public games, she’s a hidden gem. When played right, Broodmother can take over the game without much resistance.

Broodmother’s Skills

Don’t let her win rate fool you. Broodmother is very strong in the right hands. She excels in the offlane because of her great lane sustainability.

  • Spin Web: This skill allows her to place webs in the lane that give her health regeneration and bonus movement speed, and it helps her move freely through trees to escape.
  • Insatiable Hunger: This used to be her ultimate, but now it’s just a regular skill that gives her between 40% and 100% life steal.
  • Silken Bola: This slows down enemies, increases the damage they take, and places debuffs on them.
  • Spawn Spiderlings: This lets Broodmother summon small spiderlings to help in combat. Though many players think this change (turning it into her ultimate) was a nerf, it’s actually a boost to her power.

Broodmother has strong kill potential in the offlane when paired with the right support, so make sure to capitalize on this in your games.

Broodmother Strategy: Learn from The Pros

Dota 2 Broodmother Secrets: Strategies to Make You Unstoppable in Every Game

Despite her low win rate among most players, professional player Ammar “ATF” Al-Assaf, who plays for Nigma, has shown just how effective Broodmother can be. With an 85%-win rate across 12 high-level matches, Ammar has proven that mastering Broodmother can pay off big time.

In the early game, Ammar buys two Wraith Bands for extra stats, which helps Broodmother dominate her lane.

Most players rush Soul Ring, but since Broodmother’s Spawn Spiderlings isn’t available until level 6, Ammar delays it and focuses on overwhelming the enemy carry with his double-Wraith strategy.

This early aggression often forces the enemy carry to abandon the lane, allowing Broodmother to start chasing down opponents with more Spin Webs. Ammar also prioritizes Silken Bola over Insatiable Hunger, giving Broodmother even more offensive power.

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Broodmother’s Late Game Item Build

A solid Broodmother lane usually leads to getting Orchid Malevolence within 13 minutes. This item pairs perfectly with Insatiable Hunger’s lifesteal, and when combined with a swarm of spiderlings, it becomes deadly.

Broodmother shines when she can attack freely, so Black King Bar (BKB) is a must-have to protect her from crowd control and spells. After that, Abyssal Blade provides more lockdown, allowing her to destroy enemy heroes with ease.

If you’re going for a split-push strategy, Assault Cuirass is great for reducing the armor of towers, making it easier for Broodmother and her spiderlings to push objectives.

For the late game, aim for a build with Orchid, BKB, Abyssal Blade, and even When Broodmother shows up in your lane, it’s time to retreat to your tower! She’s as tough as a last-pick Phantom Lancer with no Earthshaker around, or a Huskar without an Axe to stop him.

Even though she’s not a popular pick, with only a 1.59% pick rate and a 48.16%-win rate in public games, she’s a hidden gem. When played right, Broodmother can take over the game without much resistance.

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