With the help of our LoL top lane tier list, discover which champions are the greatest to move up the ranked ladder this patch.
Best Champions – Top Lane Tier List for LOL Patch 14.13
The last two years have seen a revitalization in top lane. The top lane has grown in significance after being viewed as an island for a few seasons, and the recent map modifications make it extra harder to punish these single laners.
Here are the top five champions in the Patch 14.13 top lane tier list, so don’t worry if you’re unsure what to play in the top lane.
See our tier lists for each of the remaining roles as well:
After Patch 14.13, These Are the Best Top Laners.
5. Jax: A Smart Selection
Jax is a natural counter to top lane melee heroes once they become meta. Thanks to his Counterstrike (E), he is able to win the majority of matchups. If you can find the correct trades during the laning phase, he can later on become a major problem for the opposing team.

Jax is one of the finest splitpushing players when it comes to solo queue. In the following weeks, he will be a valuable pick, so be ready to play him.
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4. Darius- Continuing to Hold Strong
Darius is still a strong contender for top laner, even though he might not be your first pick. In comparison to other choices on this list, he is not only considerably easier to pilot but also has a great early laning phase. In the lowest ranks, he is especially strong; take advantage of him while he is still unharmed.
3. The New Meta Pick, Volibear
Despite the abundance of aggressive and melee champions in the meta, Volibear has persevered in rising to the top of the tier list as a reliable choice.
Thanks to his passive, he can assure solid lane priority and handle the majority of the meta selections. With the addition of Navori Flickblade and Rod of Ages, he can now provide steady damage and provide tankiness for the remainder of the build. You’ll quickly see how strong he can be if you give him a try.
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2. Camille – Continuing
In reference to queens and outstanding carry champions, we are delighted to have Camille return as a top choice. She is one of the top choices you should be giving priority to over the coming week because of her buffs from earlier patches, which have propelled her back to the top rankings.

She scales effectively later in the game and has a lot of potential for dueling. She’s one of the best champions to rush the back line and take out the opposition carry because of the meta’s prevalence of front-to-back ADCs.
1. Fiora: The Reigning Queen
Fiora reminds me of Lee Sin in the top lane. This means that while the champion itself isn’t particularly powerful, a skilled Fiora player has the ability to turn an opponent into their worst nightmare.
It won’t be easy to put her in a position where she can dominate the games, but mechanical skill and in-depth game knowledge will help you identify the slightest margins to take advantage of.
In addition, he is far more mobile than the majority of elite laners, giving her a far greater chance to outplay opponents. Although there may be a steep learning curve, once mastered, there are undoubtedly rewards.