Fallout 4 is one of the most widely-appreciated single-player games in history. It came out in 2015 and quickly became known as one of the best games in the famous post-apocalyptic series. It was a huge, open-world adventure with intense fighting, base-building, and a story that pulled you in. Today we’re going to talk about the best Fallout 4 cheats and console codes that you can use to make your game even better.

Since Fallout 4 is a single-player game, there are a lot of cheat codes that can be used in the game’s terminal. Additionally, there are tens of thousands of mods for Fallout 4 that allow skilled developers to change the game in any way they desire. This list is long and includes everything from simple clothes to DLC-sized mods. It’s great that players can change their game in so many ways.

Read on to find out everything you need to know about cheats, hacks, and exploits for Fallout 4.

Do You Know Any Fallout 4 Cheats?


There aren’t any “straight” cheat codes for Fallout 4, but there are a lot of other ways to change the game. However, it is easier to do on PCs than on consoles since console versions of the game have some limitations. For PC players, a text-based console can be opened. With the press of a button, a wide range of Fallout 4 console commands can be used to change the code of the game.

This isn’t in the platform versions of the game, so Xbox and PlayStation users won’t be able to use any Fallout 4 cheats.

But all systems can use a library of mods. The PC library, on the other hand, is much bigger and more up-to-date. Consoles like Xbox and PlayStation have a smaller selection of mods, but there are still enough to make a big difference in the game. Additionally, numerous bugs and exploits can be used to get an advantage in Fallout 4. Since it is a single-player journey, none of them are seen as morally wrong or “against the rules.”

You can do whatever you want with your game. In Fallout 76, the only online game in the series, changing things would affect other players, so it’s not the same.

How to Change Fallout 4

The game doesn’t have any built-in cheats, but there are tens of thousands of moderators to choose from. Smaller changes, like adding a new outfit or changing how blood behaves on surfaces, are on the smaller end of the scale. Larger changes, like adding DLC mods that are several gigabytes in size, will completely change the game. Later in this guide, we’ll talk about the console tools you can use to change things in Fallout 4 on PC, but for now, we’ll just talk about mods.

You’ll be able to use mods whether you’re playing on an Xbox Series X, PlayStation 4, or PC. Mods can be downloaded through an in-game menu in Fallout 4 that can be found on the game’s main screen. But there’s a more complicated way to do things for PC players.

If you want to change things in Fallout 4 on PC, you should use a site like NexusMods.com. Many people think this is the best place to find moderators online. It also has the “Nexus Mod Manager,” which you can use to store, load, and organize your Fallout 4 mods safely. You can change your game without using normal Fallout 4 cheat codes with this smooth tool, and it’s free to use.

You should take the time to look through the huge number of changes on the site and pick out the ones that appeal to you. It’s also important to note that, as you might think, achievements and trophies will not work if you use mods.

Best Control Keys for Fallout 4


Every time you want to get to the command center in Fallout 4 on PC, just press the tilde key (^). This is where you can enter Fallout 4 cheats and make big changes to your game, even if you don’t have any mods loaded. Fallout 4 has a huge number of console commands that let players spawn almost anything in the game, from weapons and ammunition to junk and building materials.

That means you have a very long list to go through. We’ve put together a list of the most important Fallout 4 console codes that will help you get around the Commonwealth Wasteland.

  • God Mode (infinite ammo, invincibility, never-ending Action Points) – tgm
  • Friendly NPCs – tcai
  • Turn off NPCs – tai
  • NoClip mode (allows you to pass through solid surfaces) – tcl
  • Unlock doors and terminals – unlock
  • Kill your current target – Kill
  • Add item (using item codes – the ‘#’ refers to the amount of said item) – player.additem [itemcode] [#]
  • Spawn items or NPCs – player.placeatme [objectcode]
  • Set your own in-game level – player.setlevel [level]

As we already said, there are a lot of console statements for items, but here are a few of the most common ones:

  • Bottlecap – 0000000F
  • Stimpak – 00023736
  • Fusion Core – 00075FE4
  • Nuka-Cola Quantum – 0004835F
  • Minigun – 0001F669
  • Fat Man – 000BD56F
  • Combat Shotgun – ff00268c
  • Kellogg’s Outfit – ff000df8
  • Colonial Duster – ff003687
  • .308 Ammo – ff00272d
  • 5mm Ammo – 0001F66C
  • Duct Tape – 0004D1F2
  • Ceramic – 000AEC5E
  • Circuitry – 0006907B

Finally, here’s a spawn list for in-game holotypes that grant you access to mini-games:

  • Atomic Command – 0006167b
  • Grognak & The Baby Ruins – 000727fa
  • Pipfall – 00072802
  • Red Menace – 000e5082
  • Zeta Invaders – 00072803

What Do You Think? Should You Use Fallout 4 Cheats and Console Commands?

There’s no reason not to use Fallout 4 cheat codes, even though they’re not codes in the usual sense. When using Fallout 4 console commands and adding mods, it’s important to remember that they might hurt your game or even cause it to crash, but for the most part, they’re safe. Of course, you will break your game if you do strange things like make a million miniguns appear.

But cheats, mods, and console instructions for Fallout 4 can be fun ways to change the game, especially if you’re done with the story. Fallout 4 can be played over and over again, but with these tips and tricks, you can change the game, and it doesn’t cost anything.

If you want to avoid problems, don’t use too many Fallout 4 cheats or mods at the same time. Instead, try out what’s available and work your way up every so often.

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