The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess originally debuted in the fall of 2006 on both the Wii and GameCube, and has been known as one of the more controversial Zelda titles released. Following Windwaker, which debuted in 2002, Twilight Princess was meant to cater to those seeking a more mature-themed Zelda, since Windwaker had more of a cartoon-styled aesthetic and was also controversial at the time of its release.

Twilight Princess is a strange beast because of how divided Zelda fans have become over this entry; you either love it, or you don’t. I loved the GameCube entry, but haven’t ever completed the Wii version. I preferred the GameCube version since I could just use a controller and wouldn’t have to sit in such an awkward position. With its re-release appearing on the Wii U with HD visuals, I am very happy that they decided to go with the GameCube version (technically). No more silly Wii remote waggling and pointing the remote so specifically at the TV. The Wii U gamepad is also great for its off-TV support, so your wife can watch Fuller House while you’re slashing up shadow beasts.


Even though the graphics are old, they look decent here, especially with the added crisp of the HD rework. The art style is very subjective; it gives off this semi-storybook visual and dimmed color filter to add to the dark vibe of the game. While I loved Windwaker’s bright smooth visuals, I equally love what Twilight Princess is trying to accomplish. However, I will admit that the remaster of Windwaker did more than Twilight Princess, but if you enjoyed the visuals for what they were on the Gamecube/Wii, then you may at least appreciate its HD upgrade.


The music in Twilight Princess is great! But then again it’s Zelda, so you can’t expect anything less. Whether you are in the twilight realm or the light world, you will enjoy musical scores as they fit the appropriate setting. I find myself whistling some of the more happy tunes because they’re just so much fun to whistle.


The gameplay is solid, for the most part. If you enjoyed the controls of the 3DS releases of Ocarina of Time or Majora’s Mask, then you won’t have much of a hard time getting the same feel here. Just like Windwaker, it uses gyroscope controls for aiming or looking around, which can be very convenient. I especially love how the Wii U’s gamepad is used for an inventory management screen, which makes it easy to change things around on the fly.

Sadly, Epona’s controls feel clunkier than ever, or at least from what I can tell compared to the older version of Twilight Princess. When controlling  Epona, I feel like I have to mash over the joystick just to get her to turn in the right direction, and that can be aggravating when you’re trying to evade and pursue. If my journey isn’t too far, I usually just transform into Wolf Link and travel like that.

I personally have loved Twilight Princess ever since it was released back in 2006, and am so happy that it got a proper HD release. The structure of the game is a lot like Ocarina of Time: no gimmicks, no open sea or clouds, and no 3-day cycle! (I still love WW, MM, and SS, just for the record.)

There are a lot of dungeons here, and the game even takes it to the next level with some very bizarre mechanics and puzzles. The themes are varied quite a bit, so it’s not rinse-and-repeat in the least! You’ll find some very interesting treasures in each dungeon, giving you the ability to discover areas you might not have been able to reach before. Every dungeon is a blast to play. The bosses are a little on the easy side, unfortunately, but still fun to fight nonetheless.


Overall, the game is still a blast to play and remains one of my personal favorite Zelda titles. If you played on the Wii and didn’t love the Wii remote controls, do yourself a favor and try this version, you may be pleasantly surprised.

From the visuals to the music, and the overall gameplay, Twilight Princess is such a blast to play and the story is very good. The game was finely crafted and deserves more praise than it gets.

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