Building is one of the key skills that sets Fortnite apart from other Battle Royale games. In Fortnite, the ability to build quickly and strategically can be the difference between victory and defeat.

Whether you’re playing in the traditional build mode or zero-build, learning how to build and use structures can help you survive until the final moments of the game. In this guide, we’ll cover the most important building tips and tricks to help you become a pro builder in Fortnite.

1. Adjust Your Controller Settings for Faster Building

One of the first things every player should do to improve their building skills is to tweak the controller settings. Default settings can slow you down as you have to scroll through multiple options to build a structure.

Instead, switch to the Builder Pro controller configuration. This setup allows you to assign each structure type (walls, ramps, floors, etc.) to a separate button. It makes the building process much faster and more efficient.

To activate Builder Pro:

  • Go to the settings menu
  • Select “Controller Configuration”
  • Choose Builder Pro

With practice, you’ll be able to create structures quickly without fumbling through the settings during intense combat.

2. Collect Resources Early

Looking for Pro Building Tips? 5 Best Tricks in Fortnite

In Fortnite, building requires resources such as wood, stone, and metal. As soon as you land on the map, start gathering resources. You can find these by breaking down objects like trees, rocks, and buildings using your pickaxe.

Having enough resources will help you build walls, ramps, and other structures when you need protection during a fight.

It’s a good idea to collect resources early in the game when the map is less crowded. This will give you a strong advantage in the later stages of the match when battles become more intense. However, be mindful of your surroundings—gather resources when it’s safe, not when enemies are nearby.

3. Master the Art of 90s Building

A “90” is one of the most important structures in Fortnite. It’s made up of four walls, a floor, and a ramp, and it’s designed to give you high ground quickly.

High ground is critical in Fortnite because it provides a better view of your enemies and makes it harder for them to shoot you.

To build a 90, follow these steps:

  • Start by placing a ramp in front of you.
  • Place four walls around you to create a box.
  • Quickly place a floor above the ramp and another ramp on top of the floor.
  • Repeat this process to continue building upward.

While 90s can be tricky to master, practicing in Fortnite’s Creative mode will help you build them smoothly during actual matches.

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4. Learn to Edit Your Structures

Looking for Pro Building Tips? 5 Best Tricks in Fortnite

Building isn’t just about placing walls and ramps; it’s also about editing them to your advantage. In Fortnite, you can edit structures to create doors, windows, or escape routes.

For example, if you’re trapped behind four walls during a fight, you can quickly edit a window to take a shot at your opponent without fully exposing yourself.

To practice editing:

  • Create walls and practice editing doors and windows.
  • Try editing ramps to adjust their direction or turn them into platforms.

Editing can be a game-changer in a close fight, so spend time mastering this skill in Creative mode to be prepared for real battles.

5. Build Up for Higher Ground

The higher you are in Fortnite, the better your chances of spotting and shooting enemies. This makes it important to build tall structures, such as 90s or towers, to gain the high ground. From an elevated position, you can see where your opponents are hiding and plan your attack more effectively.

Additionally, having high ground gives you a clearer line of sight to fire at enemies below, making it harder for them to hit you in return.

In heated battles, always aim to build upward and secure high ground as quickly as possible. It’s one of the best strategies to dominate your enemies and secure that Victory Royale.

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Building is a crucial part of Fortnite gameplay. Whether you’re creating protective walls or towering over your enemies with 90s, mastering the art of building will significantly improve your chances of survival and winning.

Use these five tips to get started, practice them in Creative mode, and you’ll soon see a noticeable improvement in your Fortnite performance.

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