In Minecraft, you’ve undoubtedly seen the term “Bane of Arthropods” on weapons that you’ve looted or that villagers have given you. The majority of people don’t prioritize this weapon upgrade, even though it’s one of the more common enchantments to find in the wild.

Still, why is that the case? To begin with, what precisely is an arthropod? To ensure you are fully informed on Bane of Arthropods in Minecraft, we have compiled a guide.

What is Bane of Arthropods in Minecraft?

With the enchantment “Bane of Arthropods,” axes and swords can deal 2.5 times as much damage to Arthropod monsters. Essentially, this indicates that the weapon deals 2.5 more damage on top of its base damage.

On any Arthropod adversary, it also deals Slowness IV for an arbitrary amount of time. At every level, Bane of Arthropods V can inflict Slowness IV for a maximum of 3.5 seconds. This duration rises accordingly.

This is an extremely specialized choice for your weapon enchantment because it conflicts with Smite, Cleaving, and Sharpness!

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What counts as an Arthropod in Minecraft?

The Bane of Arthropod is a sort of invertebrate species that primarily consists of bugs or insects. Any bug or bug-like mob in Minecraft is considered to be this. Invertebrates such as bees, silverfish, endermites, and spiders are included.

How Does the Bane of Arthropods Enchantment Work in Minecraft?

Because they are uncommon mobs and it is even more uncommon that you would get to apply the enchantment on them, the final two on that list probably caught you off guard.

Full List of Arthropod Mobs in Minecraft

This is the complete list of Minecraft foes impacted by the Bane of Arthropods:

  • spiders
  • Cavern Spiders
  • The Bees
  • Fish silverfish
  • Final Mites

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When Should I Use Bane of Arthropods?

Though there are a handful, Bane of Arthropods doesn’t have many widespread applications in Minecraft. Using a Bane of Arthropods sword can help you defeat the annoying Silver Fish that both spawn nearby and trigger from the Spawner when you’re invading a stronghold in an effort to locate the End Portal.

How Does the Bane of Arthropods Enchantment Work in Minecraft?

A Bane of Arthropods Sword can assist you in eliminating Cave Spiders before they can poison you, particularly when raiding Mineshafts where Cave Spider Spawners can be found.

Likewise, if you build a Spider farm with a Spider Spawner, you can acquire experience and things from the eight-legged foes more rapidly thanks to the Bane of Arthropods ability!

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