Characters from several pop culture realms are included in MultiVersus, fulfilling the promise of a multiverse. But what about those characters that you can play for free? Similar to many other free-to-play fighting games, gamers can access a variety of characters in this game for free.
But these aren’t static. They might rotate out if you decide not to buy your main. But with the MultiVersus free rotation, this also means that everyone gets to try out a little portion of the cast.
It cycles the free MultiVersus combatants, just like many other free-to-play fighters. A new collection of characters is offered for free every week.
It’s unlikely that most players will buy the entire roster. Selecting your main is a sensible choice, but you may need to use the MultiVersus free rotation to try out other characters in live games for the remainder of your roster.
Which characters are now free in MultiVersus? Here is the current MutiVersus free rotation schedule, along with the dates when you can test out a different person and this selection will change.
MultiVersus Free Rotation July 31- August 6
We have more free characters available for use this week. other of the most popular characters in MultiVersus are included in this most recent update, but there are also other characters that were just added.
You will have the opportunity to test out new additions like Jason through the MultiVersus free rotation if you haven’t already tried any of the Season 1 adds. This week’s featured characters are as follows:
- Finn
- Adam Black
- Bunny Bugs
- Jason
There is only a week left to use these fighters! However, considering how frequently the characters are changing, we can definitely anticipate that at least some of these will return shortly.

We’re going to have a lot of duplicates as we work our way up to new characters like Beetlejuice in the MultiVersus release, given the roster we have for the series and the four open slots.
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MultiVersus Free Rotation July 23-August 30
For the start of Season 2, there is a new set of MultiVersus free rotation characters! This batch is quite intriguing. One of the newly introduced characters from Season 1 has been added to the free rotation.
Fantastic if you spent the majority of the previous season pining away for those who were spending big money on a few extra fighters. The characters for this play week are as follows:
- Joker
- Superman
- Instripe
- Jake
This is a pleasant example of variation. Joker features some new characters along with some returning MultiVersus fighters, such as Jake. Try them out while you can because they’re only here for a week.
MultiVersus Free Character Rotation July 17-24
Here’s another group of brand-new characters. This week, who must the free-to-play gamers get to know? We have a few fighters this time around, including Batman and Fin. Right now, the available characters are as follows:
- Batman
- Jerry and Tom
- Finn
- Steven
The characters in question are free. If one week’s selections don’t fit your playing style, it can be annoying. Still, there are advantages to this rotation. You will gain more knowledge about the move sets and specifics of the complete cast if you give them all a try for free. In the long run, this could make the player stronger.

Gaining proficiency in fighting games requires learning more characters, and MultiVersus’s free character rotation can be an excellent method to get to know the cast without having to play every fighter.
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MultiVersus Free Rotation July 9-16th
This week offers another round of free characters. This time, there’s a good balance among several archetypes. This week, we have some of the greatest MultiVersus characters for free. These choices are as follows:
- Ariya
- Garnet
- Batman
- Rick
This combination is intriguing. We have fighters like Batman as well as close-quarters assassins. If you want to take a look at zoning with the MultiVersus free rotation this week, a couple have some good projectile moves as well. These will all be accessible through July 16th. Nonetheless, if you truly click with a character throughout this rotation, you may always unlock them straight away.
MultiVersus Free Rotation July 2-9th
- Morty
- Amazing woman
- Velma
- Instripe
The new free character rotation for MultiVersus is as follows. This batch is intriguing this week. A few characters who were added to the Open Beta later than expected are now available for long-time free gamers to finally try out.
Then there is Wonder Woman, who was initially available to a large number of players almost for free. Before we receive another batch, anyone will find this to be a fun change during the next week.
We’re using up characters quickly because the MultiVersus free character rotation is rotated every week. A new character will be added in the next MultiVersus Mid-season patch.
But, given how quickly these are being rotated, we’ll probably have had a chance to try each one in the free rotation before long.
June 26 – August 3
- Harley Quin
- Superman
- James LeBron
- Bunny Bugs

This setup has a lot more variation than it did last week. We have characters that represent every MultiVersus archetype. We’ll have these characters around for an additional week. Long enough to give them a try and possibly identify a new character to strive for as you build towards your next unlock.
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June 18-25 Rotation
- The Martian Marvin
- Jake
- Jerry and Tom
- Steven Universe
From June 18 until June 25, this set of characters will be available for free. After that, we’ll receive a fresh batch. But in the interim, all of these are free to use. If you haven’t already unlocked them, check out any of them; they’re quite entertaining.
July 12-19 Rotation
Which characters from MultiVersus are now available? The roster rotation for the game is currently as follows:
- Wonder Woman
- Bunny Bugs
- James LeBron
- Finn the Human
These characters serve as a good representation of the game’s content. There are characters like Finn that follow a well-known archetype from the Smash Bros. roster, as well as truly unique fighters like LeBron.
Shaggy is another bonus character in this MultiVersus free rotation that you obtain after finishing the tutorial. They are not officially a part of the rotation because they are a permanent free character.
The latest MultiVersus free rotation is this one. We have these characters available till the 12th.

- Garnet
- Quinn, Harley
- Voorhees Jason
- Rick
- Jerry and Tom
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How Does Rotation Work?
The characters that are free to use are those in the MultiVersus free rotation. or those currently accessible. Every week, it is different.
The characters we can play for free each week are those from the MultiVersus free rotation. They alter on a regular basis.
These rotations lasted little longer than two weeks prior to the conclusion of the MultiVersus beta. It is intended to occur once a week in this iteration of the game. Thus, every week, you can test out new combatants.
There are two more characters that some gamers can use for free in addition to these. Shaggy, the current MultiVersus free character, has already been discussed.
Wonder Woman, though, might also be free for some. The character has been retained by those who participated in the first beta and unlocked her. Thus, veteran players may have an even greater selection.